Please see below for answers to some frequently asked questions.

Where can I find bus information?

There are several bus services. Please visit our travel page for more information.

What time do Year 7 have lunch?

Year 7 can start to go for lunch at approximately 12:35pm. Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch. If buying food from the dining hall, please ensure your child has enough money on ParentPay. Either before or after lunch they can play out on the designated playground, take part in extra-curricular clubs or talk with friends. They will be supervised in each of these activities.

Are students taught as a form?

Year 7 are taught in forms for all lessons.

Who should my child go to if they have an issue?

They should go to their Form Tutor or Pastoral Head of Year.

Who should I go to if I have a query?

In the first instance, it is best for parents/carers to contact reception on 0161 507 5300 or email [email protected].

For pastoral issues please contact the Head of Year.

If necessary, we can then arrange to meet at a mutually convenient time.

What should I do if my child is anxious about starting High School?

Please try to reassure your child that everyone will feel anxious and it is normal when starting a new school and getting used to a new environment. Many students will be joining us not knowing anyone. They will soon get used to High School and settle in.

Can my child have time off during term time?

We will support your child’s time off if they are competing in a competition with extra-curricular clubs or taking examinations, for example in music. We will also support unavoidable medical appointments. We will not support or authorise holidays during term time – please refer to our attendance policy for further details.

What language will my child learn?

Your child will learn Spanish, please note this cannot be changed. Your child will, if they desire, have the option to learn a second language in Key Stage 4.

When can my child use their mobile phone?

We appreciate many students use these to contact home if required on their way to or from school. However, mobiles are NOT required in school and should be switched off and kept out of sight.

If your child needs to contact home during the school day, they should see their Head of Year.

What shoes can my child wear?

At Laurus Cheadle Hulme students are not allowed to wear any kind of trainers. For further information please refer to our uniform guide and policy.