As the school year draws to a close and the summer holidays begin, it’s time to reflect on some of the highlights that made this year at Laurus Cheadle Hulme truly unforgettable.

From academic achievements to artistic performances, our students have showcased their talents and dedication in a variety of ways.

Here are just some of the moments that defined our year.


An immersive day of Languages at the University of Manchester

In January, Year 8 and 9 students took a trip to the University of Manchester for Viva Languages Day.

This event aimed to ignite a passion for languages among students and an insight into what it is like to study a language at university.

Students from Laurus Cheadle Hulme stand outside of the Samuel Alexander building at the University of Manchester Viva languages day 2024.

It was also a chance for the group to try out a new language, and meet students from the university and other local schools.

The students returned with a renewed enthusiasm for language learning, eager to apply their newfound knowledge in the classroom.


Benedetti Foundation Young People’s String Day

January was also a busy month for our musicians, as students in Year 7 and 8 headed to Stockport Town Hall for the Benedetti Foundation Young People’s String Day.

Through this unique opportunity, students were able to hone their musical skills and spend the day working with the amazing Benedetti team, which included tutors and ambassadors from the Royal Northern College of Music.

Laurus Cheadle Hulme students play instruments at Benedetti Foundation Strings Day at Stockport Town Hall.

The day ended in a spectacular performance for parents and carers that showcased their progress.

It was an incredible experience which left a lasting impact on all who attended!


Grease: School Edition Dazzles Audiences

March brought the excitement of the school production of Grease: School Edition, where students dazzled audiences over three consecutive nights.

LCH was transformed into Rydell High as our very own T-Birds and Pink Ladies brought Grease School Edition to life!

Laurus Cheadle Hulme presents GREASE School Edition Book, Music, and Lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey

The cast, musicians and crew put in countless hours of rehearsals, and their hard work paid off with a series of performances that were met with standing ovations.

The energy, talent and enthusiasm of our students left us all in awe – we can’t wait to see what they do in next year’s production!


Success in the Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

Throughout this year, we followed the progress of three students as they dominated the competition round after round in the Rotary Youth Speaks competition.

After winning the District Heats along with our Senior team in February, they went on to win best runners-up in the District Finals, before winning the District Grand Finals, and finally achieving silver in the North of England Final!

Three students from Laurus Cheadle Hulme smile as they hold their certificates which they received as the Intermediate Runners Up of the Rotary Youth Speaks North of England Final 2024.

This team represented LCH impeccably and showed incredible perseverance throughout the competition.

Their articulate presentations and persuasive arguments were praised by judges at each stage of their journey, a huge well done to these students!


Model United Nations Representation

In July, two Year 10 students represented LCH in the annual Model United Nations conference held at Withington School for Girls.

Representing Italy, the students joined others from schools across Greater Manchester for an immersive day of debates.

Collage of students at MUNC

They engaged in complex discussions and debates on global issues, simulating the workings of the United Nations.

As we bid farewell to another successful school year, we celebrate the achievements and growth of our students, looking forward to the new opportunities that await us in the coming academic year.

We wish all our students, staff, and families a restful and enjoyable summer break!